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Symbol of Naples and all of Campania, Vesuvius has a long history of millennia. The territory surrounding Vesuvius is the scene of a rich nature where biodiversity is the added value.
Strade del Vino Vesuvio is an Association born with the aim of disseminating the Food and Wine excellences of the territory, known and less known, to national and international tourists. The services offered allow tourists to live an experience of high level knowledge and flavors through a series of high quality experiences.
Let’s find out more from the words of Clementina Iervolino, President of the Association.

©Clementina Iervolino-Strada del vino Vesuvio e dei Prodotti Tipici Vesuviani
Dr. Iervolino, from the moment your association was born, what goals have you achieved and what are the ones still to be achieved?
Thank you for your interest and for the space dedicated to our activities. One of the great goals we have achieved is, of course, the creation of an organization for the promotion of the territory. The Founder of the Vesuvius Wine Route and Vesuvian Typical Products, Dr. Amodio Pesce, an oenologist who made a decisive contribution to the birth of Vesuvius PDO, remains, in fact, the pioneer in our territory of the aggregation of producers in the wine, agricultural, hospitality or crafts sectors. Networking productive categories and giving visibility to an economic driving force that is too often forgotten, if not completely ignored, was definitely the main goal (the unexpected consequence) of our work.
What we have promoted and organized so far is the creation of a website; social networks dedicated to our companies; the creation and dissemination of a Map of the Municipalities of Vesuvius in combination with a volume published by the Campania Region that invites you to travel by suggesting wine tourism routes, participation in important events and fairs of national importance. More, the establishment of VESUVINUM, an annual event that represents the greatest showcase of Vesuvius products.
Much remains to be done. Among the commitments already in place, I would like to mention the collaboration with the Vesuvius National Park Authority on the European project relating to the dissemination of sustainable tourism. Furthermore, it is our intention to develop maximum collaboration with all the actors responsible for the protection and enhancement of the territory with particular reference to the Consorzio Tutela Vini Vesuvio, the Consortium for the Protection of the Piennolo del Vesuvio Tomato, but also to Slow Food Condotta Vesuvio and as well as with those who share the principles of territorial development based on total sustainability.

©Strada del vino Vesuvio e dei Prodotti Tipici Vesuviani
Through which services/activities do you promote the dissemination of the region’s specialties, especially wine?
Wine definitely represents the premium product of our territory, elected Ambassador in each of our events, an indissoluble combination with Vesuvius and its history, a communication vehicle and testimonial of what is beautiful and good is produced in Italy and in the world. Having said that, I like to confess that it is more the wine that promotes the territory than the reverse. It is around wine, Vesuvius DOP but also IGP Pompeiana and IGP Monte Somma, that we build our events and our communication.
Anuga, Vinitaly, Cibus, but also VitignoItalia and many other events have been the showcase for our products. Without neglecting any company, we have promoted visibility to local brands and labels in an exhibition counter where wine is always at the center. Strong attraction, with the proposal of typical dishes, show cooking, guided tastings, the Wine presented itself to the general public by making known all the gastronomic sector made in Campania beyond the local network.

©Strada del vino Vesuvio e dei Prodotti Tipici Vesuviani
As you say in your introduction, our added value is biodiversity. The black earth of Vesuvius is among the most fertile clouds on the planet and this precisely in consideration of its volcanic origin.
These characteristics make our wines particularly fresh and aromatic. I am talking about native vines such as Caprettone, which for years has been confused with Coda di Volpe but which, starting from 2010, thanks to a research promoted by the Campania Region and conducted by the Faculty of Agriculture of Portici, its identity and uniqueness. Then there is the Catalanesca whose origin and diffusion dates back to 1500, linked to Alfonso of Aragon, but before that the Piedirosso, narrated by Pliny the Younger, whose origins date back to the Greeks if not to the Volsci.

©Strada del vino Vesuvio e dei Prodotti Tipici Vesuviani
Can you briefly describe the route and which territories of cultural and wine tourism interest it crosses?
The Vesuvius Wine Route embraces the entire Area of the Rural Territorial System 16 – Complex of Vesuvius Monte Somma – referable to the following 17 municipalities: Boscoreale, Boscotrecase, Cercola, Ottaviano, Pollena Trocchia, Portici, Ercolano, San Giorgio a Cremano, San Giuseppe Vesuviano, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, Sant’Anastasia, Somma Vesuviana, Terzigno, Torre Annunziata, Torre del Greco, Trecase, Massa di Somma.
Furthermore, through a resolution promoted and signed by the pro tempore Mayor, dott. Claudio D’Alessio, also includes the Municipality of Pompeii.
On closer inspection, in one with the possible food and wine routes, in search of handicrafts and local artifacts, the territory contains a circle of municipalities (known for wine, for pasta, for apricots, for churches, some for the museums, some for the sea, etc., certainly of great historical, religious, architectural and landscape interest.

©Strada del vino Vesuvio e dei Prodotti Tipici Vesuviani
Why choose the Vesuvius Wine Route?
I easily relate to what I said before. The Vesuvius Wine and Vesuvian Typical Products Route offers sensory itineraries strongly oriented towards tourism sustainability. With the Vesuvius National Park, as already mentioned, a territorial promotion project / program is in place aimed at providing a range of tourist proposals aimed at the growing demand of a growing slice of travelers looking for new “Roads” to discover good things to eat and drink together with treasures of our beautiful Italy that no one talks about but which remain of cultural significance.
And I firmly believe that Vesuvius, our superb and “terrible” icon, can offer 360 degrees of unique and evocative views, each linked to a town rich in history and things to discover. And all with the same positive friendly inclination to welcome.
Why Vesuvius? – you ask. – And why not? – I answer.