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Much has been written about the benefits of Extra virgin olive oil, at any age, and, thanks to international scientific studies, which will continue to be published, the confirmation of how much this olive juice is a panacea for the body, will be evident to a wider audience.
The high content of monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid) of which the olive oil is composed allows to increase the levels of (“good”) HDL cholesterol; to control high blood pressure; to prevent the onset of diabetes and osteoporosis. Rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin E, EVOO prevents diseases related to aging and improves blood circulation.
For the youngest, Extra virgin olive oil promotes bone growth, the development of neuro-psycho-motor faculties and more.
Including artisanal (and not industrial) Extra virgin olive oil daily helps the body and contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Artisanal EVOO keeps intact the properties of the oil juice that the industrial product, being highly processed, cannot allow.
Still little consumed, even in producing countries, compared to the countless benefits (which also justify the cost), Extra virgin olive oil is culture and, as such, it should be widespread especially among the youngest to train the new generations, to a more rooted culture on the subject.
The family (but also the school) plays a fundamental role in sharing a healthy, tasty food program that sees EVOO as the hero on a daily basis.
Extra virgin olive oil can be introduced into the daily diet by communicating to the youngest the history of such an ancient and noble food, in order to create curiosity and desire to taste. Or, simply as happens with many foods, be added to dishes, even the simplest ones, such as a snack, so as to get used to the taste of what is a real olive juice.
In the preparation of savory and sweet dishes, Extra virgin olive oil is an ideal ally to enhance dishes. Consumed raw in salads or fruit salads, it releases its unique taste, while maintaining its important benefits.

©Veronica Lavenia- The Wolf Post
In a few minutes it is possible to prepare a seasonal fruit salad, also by adding Granola (without added sugar) and a teaspoon of Extra Virgin olive oil. As well as a crunchy lettuce (canasta or Roman, according to taste), seasonal fruit and a spoonful of Extra Virgin olive oil is a fresh proposal, rich in nutrients even as a snack.

©Veronica Lavenia- The Wolf Post
Two easy proposals, quick to prepare with a quality extra virgin olive oil such as “Vacinata“.
Artisanal Extra Virgin Olive Oil tells the story of the territory and the culture of the peoples. The Ramos family has been producing Extra Virgin Olive Oil for generations. The olive groves arise in Portugal, a land of ancient olive-growing tradition and culture, in the Guarda district.

©Azeite Vacinata
The company owns its own oil mill and follows all stages of production up to bottling, within its own structure.
The two proposals, one of which is organic, Val D’Ama and Terras Senhoriais have the delicate and fragrant notes of the cultivars (three of which are indigenous), Galega, Madural, Cobrançosa and Picual.

©Azeite Vacinata
Vacinata is the Extra virgin olive oil from which to start with the story in the family for a nutritional education where this food can be appreciated and tasted by everyone.