France Guide

Domaine du Somail

Written by Piero Pardini


Located in the eastern part of Minervois, the vineyard is an expression of the territory.
The hand-picked grapes are delicately vinified in order to extract balanced and aromatic juices. After fermentation, the wine is decanted into French barrels or vats for aging from 10 to 24 months. The winter cold naturally clarifies the wines. Then the blends arrive in the spring following the harvest. Bottling takes place at the estate, therefore, the wines receive the minimum of sulphites necessary for their conservation.

Labels reviewed
Minervois Vin de Plume 2018

Domaine du Somail
lieu dit al Bosc,
11120 Saint Nazaire D’Aude – FRANCE
Phone: +33 06 18 09 24 73

About the author

Piero Pardini

Founder and editor of "The Wolf Post", Italian based International digital wine platform.
Freelance Journalist.
Wine critic and Sommelier.
He has also written about sports and technology for some specialized magazines.
Co-author of the authorized biography "Gianni Clerici - The writer, the poet the journalist", Le Lettere, Firenze.

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