Confronto (Di)Vino

Classifica vini Biodinamici Biologici Naturali: Febbraio 2023

Written by Piero Pardini

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5 Lupetti
Le Naturel 2021 – Aroa
Minervois Vin de Plume 2018 – Domaine du Somail

4 Lupetti

Col De L’Utia Extra Dry Biologico – Prapian
El Plantarga 2019 – Carlania Cellar
La Montesa 2019 – Palacios Remondo
Luigi Ghislieri – Colonnara
Nero D’Avola 2021 – Cantine Colosi
Sacré Numéro Rosé 2020 – Domaine Sol Payré
Syrah 2018 – Baglio di Pianetto
Tempranillo 2021 – Viña Ijalba

3 Lupetti

2 Lupetti

1 Lupetto

About the author

Piero Pardini

Founder and editor of "The Wolf Post", Italian based International digital wine platform.
Freelance Journalist.
Wine critic and Sommelier.
He has also written about sports and technology for some specialized magazines.
Co-author of the authorized biography "Gianni Clerici - The writer, the poet the journalist", Le Lettere, Firenze.

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