Guide Italy South

Paolo Petrilli

Written by Piero Pardini


Since 1988, the Apulian company Paolo Petrilli has been producing wine with organic farming techniques.
The wine from the cellar located in Lucera is produced with 100% organic grapes.
The vineyards are located on very calcareous soil, facing south and always grassed with spontaneous plants.
Nero di Troia is the prevalent variety of the 11 hectares of vineyards but the company also produces wines from Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Aglianico and Bombino.
The density is five thousand plants per hectare and the yields of the grapes range from 50 to 90 quintals per hectare.
The harvest is manual and the vinification takes place in truncated conical vats of 10 quintals, according to organic and vegan oenological practices, with the spontaneous fermentation of the must and the refinement of the wine in steel or non-toasted French oak.

Labels reviewed
Motta del Lupo 2020

Paolo Petrilli
Contrada Motta della Regina
71036 Lucera (FG) – ITALY
Phone +39 0881523980

About the author

Piero Pardini

Founder and editor of "The Wolf Post", Italian based International digital wine platform.
Freelance Journalist.
Wine critic and Sommelier.
He has also written about sports and technology for some specialized magazines.
Co-author of the authorized biography "Gianni Clerici - The writer, the poet the journalist", Le Lettere, Firenze.

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