Pasta e Fagioli is a classic of the Italian peasant tradition. Pasta and beans were considered the poor man’s meat. Today, the percentage of Italians who choose to consume vegetable protein (eliminating or reducing animal protein) has grown considerably, and this dish has been revalued to the status it deserves. Very popular not only in typical Italian Trattorias but also in starred restaurants, pasta and beans is one of the symbols of Italian home cooking. Every Italian woman will give you her favorite recipe (remember that in Italy, every family has its ‘own’ version of a recipe). This is one of the most simple and easiest to make.

© Piero Pardini – Wine Reviews – The Wolf Post – TUSCANY – ITALY

© Veronica Lavenia- The Wolf Post
- The night before, soak the beans in cold water with a tablespoon of baking soda;
- The next day, rinse the beans thoroughly and cover with water;
- Cook the beans with the celery, carrot, onion, shallot (all cleaned and cut into rounds) for 50–60 minutes;
- Halfway through cooking, add the salt, pepper and pasta;
- Serve warm.